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by Karen
(Dayton, OH)
I cannot suitably articulate the amazing things that have happened during my sessions with Nan, but I can tell you they have changed my life. I have met with my childhood self to reprogram erroneous beliefs that were holding me back as an adult and I have visited past lives to release traumas from those lifetimes that still affected me today.
Nan works with her intuition and guides to promote positive change in her clients' lives; and you won't be disappointed with the results. In the six short months we have been working together, I never cease to be amazed at what limiting beliefs and emotional baggage she can discover and eliminate for good.
Working with Nan is so much more effective than discussing or trying to resolve problems with a counselor week after week with little or no permanent results. After our sessions I always feel like a weight has been lifted off my back and that I have moved my life to another level!
Because of Nan's work with animals she has also been able to help me have a better intuitive sense for my animals and communicate on a different level. I have been able to form a better bond with my beloved dog to nurture him through a health crisis and I have been able to understand him on a much deeper emotional level than ever before.
Nan not only does incredible healing work but is also a great coach and mentor which I so appreciate. I cannot recommend Nan highly enough.
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Using Essential Oils for People and their Animals Online Training Course!
Ready to Discover All of YOU?
Find the Gift of You and Your Inner GPS with Nan's Coaching and Intuitive Guidance
"Nan's coaching helped me quickly change my self-sabotaging beliefs so I could discover & follow my dream career!"-Deb C.
"Nan nails it and gets right to the core root issues every time I work with her. What a fantastic investment for yourself!"-Diane G.
Learn how Essential Oils and Coaching can help you Break Through Emotional Barriers Now!
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