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Essential Oils for
Emotional Wellness and Wellbeing
Foster Support and Change

Essential oils for emotional wellness, support and wellbeing is an important part of how you can foster change and transformation in your life.

Emotions play such a vital role in how we feel, socialize and work each day, yet most of us were not taught actually how to navigate them. As a matter of fact many people have a negative connotation around emotions because of what we were taught.

What is an Emotion?

Here is the definition of emotion from Merriam-Webster:

"An emotion is a physiological and mental state associated with a feeling, thought and/or behavior."

Here is the definition of emotion from Karol Truman - Feelings Buried Alive Never Die that I like and teach:

E-motion = Thought + Feeling

So emotions are influenced by how you think and can be expressed in a negative or positive way depending on your beliefs and associated memories created during childhood. Examples of negative emotions are anger, abandonment and grief. Positive emotions are joy, happiness and harmony.

Often times negative emotions come from "triggers" or emotional patterns ingrained in our brain that are automatic! PS this is for everyone including our animals!

What is an Emotional Pattern?

When humans or animals first learn to respond to a situation they start to develop a pattern or way to handle them. Depending on a many factors, we learn to respond in different ways and sometimes in a way that is more negative then we want. This is a "reaction" rather than a response.

Once the response is learned, the stimuli will produce the pattern over and over again unless it is changed or released. Good emotional patterning we don't want to change; but negative patterns that don't support our wellbeing, we would like to change!

So, if a child, adult, cat, dog or horse encounters fear and the response is "run away"! Depending on the circumstances, that may creating a negative reaction vs a healthy response. The negative reaction would be beneficial to change! And essential oils for emotional wellbeing can support us in doing that.

PS Most of us were taught to stuff emotions, don't show them, stop crying, just be happy, etc.

Sound familiar? All very familiar to me....

Why Can it be Unhealthy if You don't Release Emotions or Patterning?

If negative emotions are not released then they often times are stored or suppressed which can affect other aspects of wellness. Dr. Emoto, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Candice Pert, Molecules of Emotion have all shown scientifically how emotions are communicated biochemically and neurologically through our brain and body at a cellular level.

The authors explain that many times if the body can not process a negative experience or painful emotion it stores it on a cellular level until we are ready to work through it to release it! Sounds like transformational work to me. Essential oils for emotional wellness can support.

Emotional patterning determines likes and dislikes, habits, ability to socialize, attitude and reaction or response to everything! Whether it is human, animal or horse emotions, they can literally dictate behavior on a subconscious level.

These books are available on my website and a further explanation is in my FREE Teleseminar "Breaking through Emotional Barriers".

Experience Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness

How do Essential Oils Affect People, Dog, Cat or Horse Emotions?

Essential oils easily affect the limbic system of the brain which is referred to as the "center of emotions" or "seat of emotions". This is the emotional center where emotions are stored.

What is the Mechanism?

The sense of smell! It is the ONLY sense that is hard wired to the brain! Therefore, smelling an essential oil will have an immediate affect on the limbic system. And oils can start to help us safely release emotional fear, stress and negative patterns. And re-anchor healthy patterns in that moment if understanding what is being released and re-affirming with positive statements or a new supportive pattern.

They can help animals and humans re-program in a sense, the unconscious patterning that holds back potential, wealth consciousness and more! This is an extremely valuable tool!

How Do You Release Emotions for Yourself or Your Animal?

Choose an oil that resonates with you to work with and use it daily. Don't use too much as even a whiff or an essential oil can trip a few smell receptors and elicit a response, especially with animals! For animals, go to the individual pages for dogs, cats and horses to learn more on how to use oils.

Also, you could check out the essential oils for emotional wellness on theses pages: oils for emotions and the horse emotions page. And grab some Peppermint essential oil since that will help you begin or continue this transformational journey! Or check out the Feelings Essential Oil Collection.

Lastly, I feel that emotional wellness is SO important since it is the core of my work, that I have created a FREE TOPIC BUNDLE on Emotions and Triggers!

Get FREE INSTANT ACCESS to my Trigger Busting Release Tool PLUS Oils for Triggers and More!


Want to Purchase Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for Emotions?

Go to The Oil Shop! You could also start with the Feelings Kit!

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