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Session Preparation -
Sessions with Nan Martin

Session preparation is a simple process, and if you follow some of the guidelines it will make for a better, more focused and enjoyable session.

Session Preparation Starts Here

Here are some tips to prepare for your session:

  • Read through this page
  • Think through what you want to transform and prioritize the items. Also write down questions if you have them. This enables us to have a much more focused session.
  • Try to relax at least 15 minutes before the session. You will get much more out of the session when you are relaxed and not under undue stress.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat lightly.
  • If doing a phone session, find a quiet place where there are no distractions and you will not be disturbed.

What do I Wear, Drink and Eat the Day of My Session?

Raindrop Technique Sessions

  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing. You will need to remove your shirt as the oils will be placed from your sacrum (just above the tail bone) up to the base of your head. One will be covered discretely with a sheet during the Raindrop Session.
  • Metal, belts and all jewelry will need to be taken off prior to the start of the session to ensure that the energies of the body will balance correctly. It is suggested that jewelry is left at home if possible.
  • It is best if one does not shower right away after the session.

Click here to learn about Raindrop Technique!

All Intuitive Sessions

  • Drink plenty of water before and after your session. The body will be detoxing physically and emotionally, and water is needed to continue to flush out the toxins from the body.
  • Personally, I think it is best to eat light before any session.
  • If you are feeling light headed after the session, eat a healthy snack to ground the body.
  • Journal your insights from the session. This will help you process what was released and what was brought into your awareness.

Enjoy your session!

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