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by Cindi D'Andrea
(West Palm Beach, FL)
Thank you Nan for encouraging me to try Raindrop Technique! It has opened up my life up to so many things! It is simply amazing!
I was in a 5 car accident in 1999 which resulted in a severe neck and lower back injury. I was in constant pain with my neck, and my back would not hold chiropractic adjustments. I wanted to see my chiropractor more often for treatments but with the office 45 minutes away, I rarely had time to go.
After the first Raindrop, I found that my discomfort started to subside and my back began to stay in alignment! And now I am in alignment and I don't even think about it! Nan helped me release the emotional trauma that was lodged in my body that was contributing me feeling unsupported.
One time, I actually slipped on a small area rug on way to Nan's to have a session. It pulled my back out so bad that I was having muscle spasms and could hardly stand up straight. After the Raindrop Session, the discomfort had subsided and by the next day they were totally gone!
The essential oils and the Raindrop have also helped me to let go of some emotional baggage that I didn't realize was having such an affect on me. During one of Nan's intuitive sessions, she picked up on a traumatic incident that happened to me when I was 4 years old that was the root cause of my anxiety attacks. Since then I have not had one anxiety attack and my breathing has improved!
I can't explain how this all works but I can tell you that I will continue to go to Nan for Intuitive Sessions, and use Young Living Essential Oils for the rest of my life!
Thank you Nan!!!!
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"Nan nails it and gets right to the core root issues every time I work with her. What a fantastic investment for yourself!"-Diane G.
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