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My Life Changed....

by Debra
(Dallas, TX USA)

Nan has been a great life coach. She has helped me shift in a few areas of my life...my main focus has been relationships and career. Her intuitive insight has helped me heal past family blocks, as well as current personal blocks. My confidence and self-esteem has improved significantly and I live my life with more peace and acceptance.

Nan has been a powerful positive influence on my spiritual journey and is someone I always turn to when I feel "stuck". She has shown me that changing my perspective and gaining clarity can ultimately shift my life and the choices I make. Each day, I bring more peace, love, support and joy to all my relationships. I am currently taking classes (Reiki, ThetaHealing, Landmark Forum, etc.) in order to build upon my desire to contribute in the health/fitness/holistic/well-being fields.

I have attracted so many more rewarding experiences into my life since meeting Nan. I feel very blessed and thankful she has touched my life journey!

Thank you Nan!!!

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  "Nan nails it and gets right to the core root issues every time I work with her.  What a fantastic investment for yourself!"-Diane G.


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