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My Horse Cleansed of Responsibility

by Nicole Birkholzer

My six year old horse Shana has grown up in a loving home, and yet, she would occasionally act as if she had some traumatic experiences in her past. She would twitch when I wiped her down with a towel, and flinch when I put a pad or surcingle on her. She would also at times charge animals that were depressed/or formerly abused.

I hired Nan to do a session with us to discover the cause of Shana's behavior. Nan quickly intuited that Shana was carrying other horse's pain in her body. Being an empath, Shana had absorbed the trauma and memories of other horses and farm animals. Nan knew immediately that Shana needed a cleansing that would allow her not only to shed the pain that wasn't hers, but also to release the responsibility to take on more pain of others in the future.

With the help of several essential oils Nan facilitated the energetic spiritual release of this burden. I witnessed how layer after layer was gently peeled away, leaving Shana free to breathe into her new found body, mind & spirit.

Since then I find that Shana is less body sensitive and less aggravated with other animals. She now knows that she does not need to take on any discomfort, pain or energy from other beings.

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