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Horse Emotions
Essential Oils Assist to
Release Negative Emotions &
Bring on Positive Ones!

Horse emotions and wellbeing need support. Most of don't think that our animals have emotions, but they do and it affects their emotional wellness more than we know. Essential oils for horses can lend that support.

For horses, emotions play a vital part in how they train, play, compete and socialize with other horses. I mean as a trainer and coach, the hardest part of training can be working through the emotional baggage especially when horses have had bad starts, were subject to abandonment or poor homes, or even had a bad experience with a trainer, rider, farrier, vet or trailer.

In these circumstances, it is very important to understand emotions, how they affect the limbic system of the brain and what you can do to support their emotional wellbeing.

Why Should I Care about Dog, Cat or Horse Emotions (or Our Emotions)?

Because according to the definition of emotions, animals behave according to their emotional state. So, if horse are scared, they may fight, spook or act aggressively depending on their behavioral patterning that was programmed or ingrained in the early years of their lives or if a significant bad event took place as described above.

What is an Emotional or Behavioral Pattern?

When animals first learn to respond to a situation they start to develop a pattern or way to handle them. Depending on a many factors, we learn to respond in different ways and sometimes in a negative way that is harmful to us.

So, if a cat, dog or horse encounters fear and the response is "run away"! That is a pattern that could be changed and would be beneficial to change! And oils can help with this reprogramming in a sense.

Remember, emotional patterning has an effect on their habits, ability to socialize, attitude towards training or riding, OR their reaction or response to everything! They literally control automated behavior on a subconscious level.

Horse Emotions -  Essential Oils for Horses

How do Essential Oils Help Release Horse Emotions?

Basically, the only sense that is hard wired to our brain is SMELL. That effects the limbic area which is the center of emotions. Therefore, the smell of an oil can effect this area immediately and bring up a response or a reaction.

For a further explanation check out essential oils for emotional wellness,  my FREE Teleseminar "Breaking through Emotional Barriers" and my FREE TOPIC BUNDLE in the EEO Membership (coming soon)

How do I Release Emotions for My Animals and Myself?

Choose an oil that resonates with you or your horse and use it on a daily basis. Allow them to smell it and then observe their response. They will start shifting right away. You could also start with an Animal Scents Collection oils which are pre-diluted and made just for animal wellness!

Also read, read the section on essential oils for horses.

How do I Know What Emotion they are Experiencing?

The oil that they shift to or don't shift to can tell you a lot about the oils. The oils tell the story. Select an oil based on the emotional and/or spiritual aspects of the oils.

What Oils Can I Use to Support Emotional Wellness and/or Release Emotions and Emotional Triggers?

I have created a page for the top FIVE general categories that I see in my work with people and animals. Remember, there are thousands of different emotions and versions of them each with a unique energy frequency or signature. It is the frequency of the oil that helps to shift the emotion or the pattern.

Also, keep in mind I use over 300 different oils, so sometimes it is best to go with a professionally made blend that is made specifically for emotions!

Enjoyed this Article on Horse Emotions?

Fantastic! Then expand your knowledge and get FREE INSTANT ACCESS to EEO's Emerald Membership and Animal Wellness Quick Start Bundle!


Want to Purchase Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for Your Animal?

Go to the Oil Shop! Check out the animal product section. And don't forget the Animal Scents Ointment and Shampoo! They are must haves at the barn!

Return from Horse Emotions to Oils for Horses

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