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Essential Oil Benefits include 
People and Animals!

There are many essential oil benefits so I can’t list all of them! But I will give you my top benefits, plus a few more!

Experience Essential Oil Benefits

  • Essential oils are convenient, quick and easy to use. You can wear them during the day, diffuse them in your home or work place, or simply keep them in your pocket. Essential oils can be used in massage, and to enhance meditation and concentration. Read through the Use Section for more ideas!
  • Essential oils are organic substances from the volatile liquid of plants. The essential oils support healthy body functions such as healthy immune system function when taken internally as a dietary supplement*.
  • Essential oils benefits include that they can penetrate the skin and affect the emotional center. Oils can affect the limbic parts of the brain that control our mood, emotions and beliefs. So they can help us with our ability to handle stress, anger or any other emotion.
  • Essential oils cool and soothe muscles after exercise.
  • Essential oils benefits include animals. Horses and dogs in particular respond very well to essential oils. While there are some limitations with cats, they can be used for cats as well.
  • Essential oils support healthy digestive system*. Peppermint Vitality (Mentha piperita)is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion*.
  • Essential oil benefits include d-limonene 
  • Essential oil benefits include green household products. Oils are non-toxic and promote wellness.

Use Thieves Household Cleaner as an alternative to synthetic products.

And here are a bunch of other essential oil benefits...

  • Support great looking hair.
  • Support a healthy immune system or other body systems when taken internally as a dietary supplement*. (check individual vitality pages)
  • Support healthy skin
  • Help you release childhood or negative experiences that have been holding you back!

Did you know that oils have multiple properties?

Yes, they are "heterogenetic". This means that they can have mulitlpe properties. Calming and grounding for instance.

Last note: Because oils are made of hundreds of different constituents, and environmental conditions are constantly changing, no two batches of oils are exactly the same. That is why it is extremely difficult to synthetically make them or re-create them in a laboratory environment.

Want to Purchase Supplements and Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils?

Then Go to the Oil Shop!

Return from Essential Oil Benefits to Oil Facts

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